MODEL BSP (Iso 228) UN-UNF (Iso 11926-1) Metric (Iso 262)
TT-25 G 3/8” 3/4 - 16 UNF M22x1.5
TC-25 G 3/8” 3/4 - 16 UNF M22x1.5
CT-25 G 1/4” 3/4 - 16 UNF M22x1.5
CC-25 G 1/4” 3/4 - 16 UNF M22x1.5
RTC-25 G 3/8” 3/4 - 16 UNF M22x1.5


MODEL TE - 25 CE - 25 KCE - 25
Nominal Flow Displacement - Totaly 25 cc/cycle - 0,007 U.S.G./cycle
- Pull Direction 14,5 cc/cycle - 0,004 U.S.G./cycle
- Push Direction 10,5 cc/cycle - 0,003 U.S.G./cycle
Maximum Operating Pressure 300  Bar - 4400 PSI
Weight 3,2 Kg-7,05 lbs 3,2 Kg-7,05 lbs 3,2 Kg-7,05 lbs
Oil Temperature with NBR Seals -20 to 80 C˚ (-4 to 176 F˚)
with FPM (Viton) Seals -20 to100 C˚ (-4 to 212 F˚)
Oil Viscosity – Operating Range
Minumum  / Maximum
From 10 to 75 mm2/s - 10 / 400 mm2/s
From 10 to 75 cSt - 10 / 400 cSt
Oil Filtration ≤30 µ
Ambiant Temperature Range -35 to 60  C˚ (-31 to 140 F˚)
Internal Leakage (at 100 bar (1450 PSI), 40C˚ (110 F˚), 46 cSt – A(B)—T) 3 cm3/min
Max. Level Of Contamination 19/16 - ISO 4406